Monday, July 21, 2008

Housing market rumors from Texas

Well, after reading my last blog, all I can say in July is,"Boy am I glad our house sold in February!" We have friends trying to sell houses now in Plano and with all the repossessions in the area, it's not as easy as it was six months ago. And how to pick when to buy in a declining market is a real test of the harmonious mix of intellegence and intuition. We're going to wait a while. Besides, taxes in New York are inhumanly high. Taxes alone on a house in New York that is comparable to what we had in Texas are alarmingly close to our old mortgage payment. Who knew?

Well, it's July now, and we are finally feeling as though we are settling in a bit in New York. Who knew it would take so long? All along the way there are adjustments to be made. I am grateful that other members of our homeschooling coop thought that a summer playgroup was just the ticket for staying in touch. We have been making friends and getting to know folks outside of the homeschooling classes, so eventually I think even New York may start to feel like home. Maybe.

The latest addition to our little family is a tiny little "Blackberry" hamster named Harriet. Harriet Herdt Hamster, isn't that cute? She is all black, with itsy bitsy little white feet, a white streak under her chin, and a miniscule white tail. I'm talking insanely cute, here! I haven't figured out how to post pictures yet, but she'll be the first one. Now if she can just survive all the "cuddling", sunflower seeds, and cheerios, we'll be all set. She is so cute, I can see her little epitaph now: "Here lies little Harriet, our dearly departed pet,
We couldn't keep our hands off, and just loved her to death!"
Not really, the kids are being great, so she is having a fabulous little hamster life. They've been building her playgrounds and mazes and letting her run around in her hamster ball. She's been held lots, and never dropped once. They've even been changing her cage without me saying anything. What's funny is that, since we've gotten her, K.T. hasn't had an asthma attack even once. Maybe we should upgrade her status to "therapy hamster," or something equally lofty. "Queen of Cute", perhaps?

Well, I am hoping to blog more days than not this summer, we'll see how it goes. Five months between blogs seems a little long even for a busy mom. . .