Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What if Christians really were?

I got into a fascinating conversation with my friend Ann, and we wound up discussing the topic, What if Christians really were?

I love that idea. How many of us see around us, or fulfill ourselves, the idea of really being Christian? The cat is now out of the bag on my blog. I am a Christian mom, and here's a little ditty I wrote about the subject. Well, about being Christian, anyway.

What if Christians really were?
What if they really cared?
Would they see the suffering in the world,
and give thanks that they were spared?
Would they try to make a real change?
What if they really. . .shared?

What if Christians really were?
Would they help a friend in need?
Or would they by too busy,
too preoccupied with greed?
Do they ignore a hungry heart
they're just not prepared to feed?

What if Christians really were?
Would they be content,
to let the neighbors' house foreclose
when his reserves were spent?
Would they help him pack and move?
Would they pay his rent?

What if Christians really were?
Would they stand up to right a wrong?
Or do they pretend they just don't see;
do they blend in with the throng?
Why do they hover, silently?
Are they so afraid to be strong?

What if Christians really were?
What if they weren't afraid of being odd?
What if they really read and used
the Living Word of God?
And showed the kind of sacrifice
that Jesus made for them?
What if they really prayed and paid
until Jesus comes again?

Are you really a Christian?
Does anybody know?
As you go through life
from day to day,
Does it really show?

Are you a real Christian?
What if Christians really were?

(copyright 2009, V.H.)