Wednesday, October 10, 2007

On the bright side, COBRA coverage is retroactive. . .

Hubby's last day at his current job is two days from now. His kind-hearted, family-oriented employer, unlike his previous ones, does not extend his medical benefits to the end of the month, but truncates them on midnight of his last day. Friday. Two days from now. This is enough to strike terror into the heart of this mild-mannered, catastrophizing mom. (Those of you who know me, scratch the mild-mannered.) For instance, what if I have a kid dragged into an unsolicited, impromptu neighborhood wrestling match, get a double concussion and post-concussion syndrome, and be out of commission for six weeks? Wait a minute, that happened in June, and lightning never strikes twice in the same place, right? I'd hate to bet the bike shop on that one, Orville; I know this kid! How about: another kid gets a sinus infection, goes into a spectacular anaphylactic reaction at school from the antibiotics, breaks out in hives, stops breathing, hefty emergency room visits, but by the grace of God, survives. . .oh, yeah, that was in May, not gonna happen again. No way. Can't happen at school, because I'm home schooling her now! And has anybody actually paid attention to how much COBRA coverage is these days? I am sure it's going to be more than my mortgage, which is really saying something.

Now my hubby has come up with a new idea: "Let's try going for 10 days with no health insurance coverage for our 3 careful, mild-mannered, sit-like-a-lump children (Right!). What could happen in only ten days?(It'll be fun seeing how long we can dodge the bullet)." Well, two emergency room trips for starters, not to mention my impending heart attack, brought on by a too active imagination. . .ambulance and nebulizer and epi-pen, OH, MY! Gotta go, the kids are jumping on the trampoline next door . . .

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