Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Blogging at midnight

I shouldn't be writing on my blog at midnight. I have already hit the publish button once, and I didn't even write anything yet. It's just that this is the first peace and quiet that I have had in five days and I'm afraid it will be even longer if I don't write right now. That has an interesting ring to it.

My middle child turned 10 on Sunday. Boy do I feel old. My father assures me that my recent birthday didn't make me "old": I hit that mark quite some time ago. Thanks, Dad. Anyway, my Sunday consisted of getting up and cooking a birthday breakfast for a child who is allergic to milk, eggs, and anything that might be construed as healthy. The last category is her own personal twist on allergies. That being said, breakfast consisted of roast beef hash and eggs, very light on the eggs in my daughter's serving. She had three helpings. Then we made some doughnuts for a light snack. Three dozen doughnuts. She was shooting for four dozen (there I go again with the homophones---it's not a bad word!---can you tell we've started up school again after our winter break?) when I caught her and shut that down. Yes, my tiny family of five polished off three dozen doughnuts in less than an hour. That's why we only make them on birthdays!

Then off to the mall with my daughter and two young friends to whoop it up at Build-a-Bear and ice cream joints. Have you been to Build-a-Bear lately? It used to be that when you made something yourself it was actually cheaper than premade items, but Build-a-Bear was invented by a Tom Sawyer personality who has figured out a way to extract extra cash by convincing folks that making it yourself is superior and therefore worth more money. I can't get out of there for less than $30-35 a kid, because they all want:
1. A bear or stuffy, not less than $18.00, because no one wants the cheap bears by the entrance.
2. Att least one outfit, not less than $10.00.
3. Bear underpants, because no one wants a "bare bear"bum. $3.00 minimum.
4. Fancy shoes to match the outfit. $7.00.
5. An accessory item or matching miniature stuffed item. $6.00.

I started the birthday tradition of taking a couple of friends to Build-a-Bear before all the fancy stuff kicked in. Like a cheap plastic wardrobe, made in China, that the funny Americans spend $36.00 on, "some assembly required." We all know what that means! Or even funnier to a home school mom, the politically correct astronomy t-shirt with only eight planets on it. At least I don't cripple myself at Build-a-Bear, as I am prone to do at skate parties, etc. I wonder what the other moms would think if the invitation warned them in advance, "Caution: attend Build-a-Bear party at your own risk. Your child may be returned to you addicted to fuzzy, materialistic substances with no intrinsic value whatsoever, and be inclined to overindulge in accessorizing without notice. Any child permitted to attend party does so at own risk and will cover any expenses over $20.00 from their personal funds. Any child with expensive taste must carry their own 'overage' money. P.S. : Hosts will not be responsible for humming-bird-like behavior of children who have overdosed on sugars and food dyes. Thank you."

I guess that sounds too unfriendly. That is why we only take two extra children. The kids have a good time, and I am not going to have to pay for a party out of my children's college funds. And the more conscientious kids don't have to spend the whole time wondering if they have hit the spending limit, they can just run around and enjoy the party.

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